Maha - Kosh E-payments
(GRAS - Virtual Treasury Goverment of Maharashtra )
Punjab National Bank renders its customers the facility to make online payments towards Maha - Kosh ( The Virtual TreasuryGoverment of Maharashtra ). This can be availed by customer of any PNB branch of the bank. The customers should have PNB's Internet Banking User-id & passwords. By using this facility, the customers can make payments at any time/ any day.
Instruction for Payment

  1. In case of Corporate User, only SINGLE USER who have both the facilities i.e. Initiate and Transaction can do online payment
  2. Go to directly OR select it from PNB home page (
  3. Login in to it by valid user id and pwd
  4. Enter all required details
  5. Select PNB from"List of Banks for Epayment"
  6. Select Punjab National Bank
  7. This will redirect to our PNB site, Enter Login Id and pwd
  8. Select debit account number and enter id and txn pwd
  9. After successfull txn , the Challan will be generated on GRAS (Mahakosh) site
  10. If you got any error after entering TXN PASSWORD and your account has been debited but challan not printed , In this case Kinldy wait for next day and Print duplicate challan from GRAS (maha kosh) site.
  11. Your Challan number and bank txn id will be availiable in account description of your internet banking account
  12. In case of any queries kindly send a mail to,,, or Call on 022-22186993,22021511,22154961